Archive for December 6th, 2009
Advent Calendar – Santa Claus – December 6th, 2009
Sherry Stocking Kline
December 6th, 2009
Woo Hoo! It’s the December 6th Advent Calendar Challenge from GeneaBlogger’s Thomas MacEntee!
Thomas is posting daily Advent Calendar Challenges after 7 a.m. each day. (Being adventurous and a night owl, I’ve tried to cheat and have checked just after midnight. That’s a no-go! )
Thanks Thomas for the Advent Calendar Challenge Fun!
Santa Claus
Did you ever send a letter to Santa? Did you ever visit Santa and “make a list?” Do you still believe in Santa Claus?
Surely I must have written a letter to Santa while I was in school, though I don’t recall doing so then or at home.
I Was Grown Before I Sat on Santa’s lap…
The only time I ever sat on Santa’s lap I was a grown woman with a nearly-grown daughter!
My daughter was babysitting the little neighbor girls and the local airport (whose manager was a friend of mine) hosted a “Santa Fly-in” each Christmas where Mr. and Mrs. Santa flew in and visited with the children for a couple of hours. It was festive and fun, so my daughter and I took the little neighbor girls to see Santa.
Well, Mr and Mrs Santa’s rules were such that everyone there sat on Santa’s lap and made their wish!
for the Space of time…I was a Little girl again…
And for just the space of time that took I was a little girl again, telling Santa what I wanted for Christmas. Maybe we all need to have that opportunity each Christmas, to become a kid again, sit on Santa’s lap, and tell him what we want for Christmas.
Somewhere, I have a 35 mm photo, and when I can find it, I promise to scan it and add it here…
Merry Christmas!