Posts Tagged ‘Frank Stocking’
Amanuensis Monday – Uncle Frank’s Postcard Home from the U.S.S. Ticonderoga
Some time back, shortly after my Aunt Frances (Stocking) Hill passed away, her daughter Phyllis brought me a suitcase of her mother’s photographs, papers, and other memorabilia.
I looked through it several times, even scanned a a few of the pictures and shared some with family, but I’m ashamed to say that I’m just now getting the rest of them sorted.
It’s a big suitcase.
It’s going to take awhile to sort, scan, and add the information and photos to my family tree program.
Once the sorting and scanning is done, I’m sending the photos to the different branches of our family by sending them to the folks that are in them, or the children of those in them.
One such treasure, a postcard from my Uncle Frank (a.k.a. “Pike”) to his sister, my Aunt Frances, was postmarked 19 September 1945, U. S. Navy, U. S. S. Ticonderoga.

Frank Stocking Postcard to sister Frances Stocking Hill

Postcard written from Frank Stocking to his sister, Frances Stocking Hill
Transcription of the Postcard:
Lt. (JG) Frank Stocking
USS Ticonderoga (CV14)
c/o FPO
San Francisco, CalifPostcard – Postmarked U. S. Navy – Sep 19 1945
Addressed to: Mrs. Marshall W. Hill
Hill General Electric
Arkansas City,
KansasWell, I’m ready to start home for discharge. Probably be sometime before I get home but I leave Tokyo Bay soon.
I got this card from a Jap lady on the streets of Tokyo who speaks English about like I speak Japanese, anyway you can read all about it on the other side.
I loved finding this post card and if I can get the rest of his daughter’s family’s photographs packed up this will be on its way home to my Uncle Frank’s daughters.