Posts Tagged ‘Kentucky’
SNGF – My Santa Genealogy Wish List
It’s Saturday Night! And below is the SNGF Challenge from Genea-Musings Randy Seaver!
Cue up your “Mission Impossible” music, or maybe you really ought to turn on your favorite Christmas Songs! Either Way, Enjoy!
Welcome to SNGF — it’s Saturday Night, time for more Genealogy Fun!
We had a great response last week to our Dear Genea-Santa wish list – thank you all for posting – perhaps you can use that post as a start for the upcoming Canrival of Genealogy with the topic of “Dear Genea-Santa.” My apologies for duplicating the theme last week.
I think that we all want lots of imaged and indexed databases online for our pajama-clad viewing pleasure… so for this week’s SNGF, let’s express our wishes for databases we want the genealogy companies to bring to us:
1) Define one or more genealogy or family history databases, that are not currently online, that would really help you in your research. Where does this database currently reside?
2) Tell us about it/them in a blog post on your own blog or GenealogyWise or Facebook, in a comment to this blog post, or in a comment to this post on Facebook.
This one is really easy.
I’ve sat at my computer in sweats and jammies in the wee hours many nights just wishing that every small-town’s newspaper where my ancestors (and my family here, for that matter!) lived in were on-line and available for research.
Just think! You could do your census and then check for the obituaries!
Indexed, too? Oh, be still my heart!
The problem with that is, I believe, financial. For the companies who are making this kind of wonderful technology available. Say for to want to do this, they would probably want to justify the numbers.
So just how many descendants might be looking?
Many of my ancestors lived in very rural areas, and the tiny town newspaper I might be searching for might be serving a population of less than 500. Maybe even a lot less.
I figure my great-grandfather now has somewhere between 2 and 3 hundred descendants. If everyone in my tiny town of Mayfield, Population then about 100, (area population maybe another 3 to 4 hundred) population now about 100, (area population probably a bit lower now) had 200 descendants looking, they might only be talking about 3,000 to 5,000 individuals at the max who might be looking?
Anyone want to guess with me?
On the other hand, there are always peripheral family members researching family, so could the number looking be higher?
And my tiny town had a newspaper for less than a year, so it wouldn’t take them long to scan, so is that a plus or a minus?
On the other hand, if there were actually 5 to 6 thousand plus individuals involved what percentage of those would be researching and paying a monthly or yearly subscription to access this information. And will those numbers ever justify scanning the small-town newspapers? I sure hope so!
Anyhow, that’s my wish, Santa!
Anyhow, that’s my wish, Santa, so I hope you and your elves can make this happen. (That’s Kansas, Santa, land of the South Wind, and I’ve got lots of ancestral ties to Illinois, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania, too)
Dare I hope that the new Kindle-type technology that Apple and various others will soon have available might just include the capability to view this info while sitting at home or at your favorite brick and mortar library?
Dare I to dream?
If so, I may just start on my 2010 Christmas list right now….
Tombstone Tuesday – J. R. U. Crabb – Barren County, Kentucky
Sherry Stocking Kline
November 24, 2009
Here is my Tombstone Tuesday:
As shown on the tombstone:
J. R. U. Crabb
Born: April 14, 1838
Died: Nov 1, 1920Our Father is gone but not forgotten.
If I have all my facts right, and if my mother is right, too, then J. R. U. Crabb buried in the Glasgow Cemetery, Barren County, Kentucky, is my step great-grandfather. Mom was always told that Elizabeth Crabb was her grandmother, and Elizabeth was J.R.U.’s wife.
J. R. U.’s daughter, Bettie Crabb, is buried right next to him in the cemetery in Glasgow.
This is a beautiful cemetery, with a small Civil War fort, Fort Williams, at the top of the hill, and the tombstones run up and down along the sides of the hill.
Fort Williams has a cannon, and there are several memorial markers that tell the story of the battle that was fought there on October 6th, 1863, and you can look out over the tombstones from nearly everywhere in the Fort.
We spent an hour or two locating family graves, and spotting other names that may have been family as well, so I came home with several ‘extra’ tombstone photographs for research purposes.
Because there were flowers on one family gravesite (indicating to me that there were people living nearby who brought flowers) I was later able to track down some other family members thanks to a few phone calls and the kindness of several Kentucky businesses, the South Central Kentucky Cultural Museum, and new-found family members.
That evening we watched the sun set from the fort and it was beautiful to look out over the tombstones on the rolling hillside in one direction and in the other direction watch the lights of the city begin to twinkle on far below us.
The city of Glasgow’s website has information and aerial photographs of Fort Williams here.
You can read more abut the J.R.U. Crabb family and see information extracted from the 1860 census here.
For a time, J. R. U. , his wife, Elizabeth (Laird) Crabb, and their daughter Bettie lived on a farm just east and a little south of Milan, Sumner County, Kansas. I know from reading the local newspapers for that era that J.R.U. had cattle.
Elizabeth died on their farm near Milan, Sumner County, Kansas on July 30, 1912, and at some point in time before his death J.R.U. and daughter Bettie returned to Kentucky where J.R.U.’s other daughter, Sally Mayfield lived.
You can see Elizabeth’s tombstone, located in the Ryan Township Cemetery, Milan, Sumner County, Kansas, and read her obituary here.
And oh, yeah, if you’ve googled one of the names in this post, leave a comment and contact info! We need to talk!
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun – Willis Washington Jones – Most Recent Unknown Ancestor
Sherry Stocking Kline
November 21, 2009
For me, it’s a sniffly sneezy, Saturday night. I’m on the mend, but Kleenex still needs to be on stand-by.
Here is our Saturday Night Fun Challenge from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings! Have Fun!
Hey, genies, it’s Saturday Night, time for some Genealogy Fun!!
Your mission, should you decide to accept it (where’s my Mission Impossible music…drat, lost it), is:
1) Who is your MRUA – your Most Recent Unknown Ancestor? This is the person with the lowest number in your Pedigree Chart or Ahnentafel List that you have not identified a last name for, or a first name if you know a surname but not a first name.
2) Have you looked at your research files for this unknown person recently? Why don’t you scan it again just to see if there’s something you have missed?
3) What online or offline resources might you search that might help identify your MRUA?
4) Tell us about him or her, and your answers to 2) and 3) above, in a blog post, in a comment to this post, or a comment on Facebook or some other social networking site.
My most elusive mysterious ancestor and the brick wall I most want to break down is my Great-grandfather, Willis Washington Jones.
What do I Want to Know?
Who was his father. If his last name wasn’t Jones, it would certainly be a lot easier.
If I could find a marriage license/record for his mother and father, it would certainly be a lot easier.
If he had been on a census with a Jones mother and father, it would be a lot easier.
Here’s What I Know, and What I Think I Know…
He was born in Kentucky, according to his death certificate and most census records, though one granddaughter thought he was born in Illinois. He may have been born in Barren, Edmonson, Hart, or possibly even Metcalfe County and he died in Sapulpa, Oklahoma.
Reviewing some of the following info for Willis, I see a couple of gaps I have that I can probably fill without too much travel involved.
But if anyone out there has a lot of Jones’ family info in one of the above counties, I’d sure be interested! I’ve nearly come to the conclusion that I need to gather all Jones’ info for those counties in that era, and see if I can by process of elimination figure the puzzle out.
I do have one question that I would like an opinion on, on the 1860 census that my great-grandfather Willis is on, (see below) he is listed at the very bottom of the list, and not with what I believe are his half–siblings.
Any comments would be welcome! Does that mean that Elizabeth is probably not his mother. (Either an obituary or death certificate names her as his mother, and yet, never a mention of his father.)
She, her husband, and one of her daughters also moved to Kansas, and lived near Willis for a time.
The following is part of a ‘cheat sheet’ that I’ve typed up to take with me when I’m out and about researching.
Willis Washington Jones – Misc Info
Born: Mar. 28, 1853 in Kentucky.
Willis’ mother was Elizabeth Laird Jones (Elizabeth’s parents were Hezekiah Lard/Laird and Patsey Carter.)
I have no idea who Willis’ father is.
I have no proof that Elizabeth married anyone named Jones before she married J. R. U. Crabb. (5 March 2012 – I have now viewed the marriage certificate for Elizabeth and her second husband, J. R. U. Crabb and her name is listed as Jones.) So, apparently Elizabeth did marry Willis’ father, and either they divorced, or his father died while he was very young.
Willis last name was Jones on the census as a child, and ever after.
1860 Census in Barren County
Is Willis with his mother and a stepfather, J.R.U. Crabb, or is he an orphan taken in by this couple?
1860 Census Page 87 – Metcalfe County, KentuckyPost Office – East Fork4th of July, 1860
Entry 586
J.R.U. Crabb – 28 – Male
Elizabeth – 28 (1880 census says born in KY, mother born in South Carolina)
Daniel U – 02
Patsy S – 1/12
Patsy C. Crabb – 60 – North Carolina
Willis Lard – 25
Catherine Piper – 17
Amanda Gooden – 12
Willis Jones – 7 – born Kentucky
I have not found Willis on the 1870 Census
Willis W. Jones married Martha Ellen Smith, daughter of Charles and Virginia (Hawley) Smith on 27 June 1876 in Barren County, KY.
They were married by Minister Bertram at his home. (later, in 2005, a new-found cousin, Nancy Bertram Bush, told me the minister was Ephraim Bertram, a circuit minister.)
Martha Ellen Smith was born Sept 03, 1852. She died on July 23, 1898.
I do not know where she is buried, but believe it to be in Kansas, Oklahoma, or possibly even Arkansas, as I’ve been told they had a strawberry farm in Arkansas for a time.
No one living knows where the strawberry farm was in Arkansas, and I question the person’s memory who gave me that information. I’ve done no research in Arkansas – yet.
1880 Sound-Ex Edmonson Co., KY, Brownsville Dist.
Jones – Soundex# – is 520
Roll 40 – Kentucky T-570
Jones, Willis White, Male, 27 years
Jones, Martha E. Wife Age 28 Born KY
Jones, Evan B Son 3 KY
Jones, Pearl dghtr 1 KY
1880 Census – Edmonson Co., KY
Jones, Willis white Male 27 married Farmer
Jones, Martha white Female 28 married housewife
Jones, Evan B white Male 3 son
Jones, Pearl white Female 1 dghtr
Willis W. Jones remarried and had more children, and he died Sept 26, 1929 in Sapulpa, OK (this is certain, I have the death certificate), he is buried there, and some of his descendants live there.
1910 Oklahoma Census – Sapulpa Township 47, 47(There was a third son later, William)
Jones, Washington W. Hd Male Age 57 born KY fthr brn US. mtr brn U.S.
Eliza C. wife white Age 40 # of yrs of present marriage 2 (or 7 not a good copy)
Bessie B age 18 born KY mtr & ftr born in KY
Vechel N. age 6, born Oklahoma parents born KY
Richard T age 1, brn Oklahoma parents KY – Willis Lard
This seems like such a lot of information, but hope springs eternal that someone with the answers will find this post, and contact me.
The thing that makes this more unlikely, is that I doubt that my Great-grandfather Willis had any more full siblings who would have the information that I need.
If you are reading this after googling one of the names listed above, We need to talk! Please leave a comment, so we can share info! Thanks….
Tombstone Tuesday – Warner LaRue & Carrie Breneman Jones

Warner LaRue and Carrie Esther (Breneman) Jones Ryan Township Cemetery, Milan, Sumner County, Kansas
By Sherry Stocking Kline
October 20, 2009
Warner LaRue and Carrie Breneman Jones, my grandparents…
Warner LaRue Jones was born in Kentucky. Probably Barren County, to Willis Washington and Martha Ellen Smith Jones on March 13, 1880, and died in Sumner County, Kansas on November 1, 1947.
Carrie Esther Breneman Jones was born (I believe in Nebraska. I do not have all of my info here where I can double check), to Constantine “Tom” Breneman and Salinda (Rose) Breneman on Aug 15, 1876, and died Sept 13, 1956.
They are both buried in Ryan Township Cemetery, Milan, Sumner County, Kansas.
My grandmother, Carrie Breneman Jones, was gifted at painting & hand crafting things…
I never got to meet my grandfather, and I was young when my grandmother died. But I remember that she was extremely gifted at hand crafting things, crocheting beautiful doilies, and pretty doll clothes. She taught herself to paint when she was already a senior citizen, and painted very life-like pictures of animals, particularly our families’ registered Ayrshire cattle.
We visited her often, and how I wish I had been old enough to ask the many questions that I now have!
Here is a photograph of their young family. My mother is the youngest child in this photograph, and there was one more child, Fern, born later. Fern died from pneumonia when she was sixteen, and is buried next to her parents.
My grandfather, Warner Jones, loved his favorite team of mules!
I can’t resist adding one more photograph that I just love! Wish I knew the name of the mules, but my mother told me that my grandfather loved those mules very much!
Tombstone Tuesday – George W. Smith and his wife Lucy
by Sherry Stocking Kline
written October 13, 2009
George W. Smith was my great-uncle, though I hadn’t a clue who he was or even that he existed until I read a biography that was published about George, his Civil War Service, his marriage, and his family, including several generations.

George W. Smith - Caney Fork Baptist Church Cemetery - Temple Hill, KYexisted until I was doing genealogy research on my mother's Jones' family and ran into a biography that someone had published in a book.
When I read it I was pretty sure he was ‘kin’ and research proved that to be the case.
I owe the person who put the biography into the book a huge debt of gratitude, because his sister, my great-grandmother, Martha Ellen Smith (a twin) married my great-grandfather, Willis Washington Jones. And if there’s anything more difficult than locating a Jones’ needle in a haystack, it’s locating one who married a Smith!
The stone I photographed as his wife, and that I am uploading here, appears to be a second wife of George W., though I have not verified that.
I have not gone back to Barren County to finish sorting out all the many threads I still have hanging, though I need to, as perhaps one thread or another will lead me over or through my brick wall, which is, who is the father of Willis Washington Jones?

69 - Lucy Smith, Wife of George W. Smith, buried in Caney Fork Baptist Cemetery, Temple Hill, Barren County, KY
The following is George’s family’s biography:
BOOK – BARREN COUNTY KY Genealogy & Biography
Vol II Editor Thomas Westerfield
Genealogical Reference Co
P.O. Box 1554
Owensboro, KY 42301
GEORGE W. SMITH was born in Sullivan county, Tenn., on the 17th of February, 1840. His father, Charles A. Smith, is also a native of Sullivan County, Tenn., born March 1, 1818.
He married Miss Virginia Hawley, whose parents were Virginians, and who died in the year 1872, leaving eight children – four sons and four daughters – of whom five are yet living, George W. Being the oldest survivor; after him follow Sarah A. (Smith), Nancy (Harrison), Mary (Foster) and Martha (Jones).
Charles A. Smith has followed farming during most of his life, in connection with which he worked at the blacksmith’s trade; he is a resident of Barren County; his age about sixty-seven years; he is hale and stout and seems to have lost but little of the vigor of former years. He is a son of Calvin Smith, of North Carolina, who was of Welsh extraction, and was married to a Miss Allen, a distant relative of Col. Ethan Allen, of Revolutionary fame.
Calvin Smith’s father was a veteran of the war of 1776, and held the rank of captain. James Hawley, the father of Mrs. Charles A. Smith, was of French descent and belongs to one of the highly respected families of Virginia. He was a teacher by profession, and later in life a farmer. His father, Francis Hawley, was a Virginian, and served in the war of the Revolution.
George W. Smith was reared on a farm and received a good common school education. In 1861 he enlisted in Company E., Ninth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Federal, and served until December, 1864, rising to the rank of sergeant; he was engaged in the battles of Perryville; Stone River, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Dalton, Kennesaw, Lost Mountain, Resaca, Atlanta and Jonesboro.
After he returned home, with the small capital of $600 he began farming, and through industry and perseverance, he is now the proprietor of 230 acres of good land. His farm is in good condition, Well kept and improved, with good buildings and orchard of 1500 trees.
He was married, on the 8th of November, 1866, to Miss Julia Harrison, of Barren County. To this union have been born eleven children: Anna D., Martha R., Charles S., Horace G., Lulu, Reuben, Daisy, Garfield, Arthur, Mary P. And Ora. Mr. Smith is a member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Smith holds to the Methodist faith.
Her parents, Reuben and Martha (Sanders) Harrison, were of English parentage, and by birth Virginians. Politically Mr. Smith is a Republican, but does not engage actively in politics.
Oops! In my Saturday Night Genealogy Fun post I listed this church as the Temple Hill Baptist Church. I did not check my notes before making this post, and it wasn’t until I looked at this church sign that I went “Wooops!” So I will make the changes on my Saturday post as well! We had a wonderful time “cemetery stomping” with our new cousins, Dennis and Nancy (Bertram) Bush here.
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun – The Day the Genealogy Serendipity Angels Smiled!
The following is from Randy Seaver’s Genea-Musings website! Thank you, Randy!
Yes, it’s Saturday Night, and time for some Genealogy Fun!
My friend, Leland Meitzler, posted his Top Ten list of “Most Satisfying Genealogy Events” yesterday – and it’s a good list – please read it and respond to it if you want to.
For today’s SNGF, if you choose to participate (cue the Mission Impossible music!), please:
1) Tell us about one (or more) “Satisfying Genealogy Moments” from your family history and genealogy research. What was it, and how did it make you feel? You can make a Top Ten list if you want to!
2) Write your own blog post, or make a comment on this post, or make a comment on Facebook, and tell us about your “moment in time.”
The Day the Genealogy Serendipity Angels Smiled!
by Sherry Stocking Kline, October 10, 2009
My Number One favorite all-time Genealogy Experience was one of those “ahhh moments” when Serendipity and the Angels smiled on us.
It was July of 2005, and my husband and I were leaving soon to visit our son in Illinois, and we were taking my mom who was 93 at the time, to Barren County, Kentucky for a day or two and try to locate my Mom’s dad’s childhood home.
I did some research before I left. I re-checked on library hours, wrote down addresses, packed up a notebook (and laptop), and called the South Central Kentucky Cultural Center in Glasgow, Kentucky to talk to the wonderfully helpful woman I had spoken with on a previous occasion.
I nearly hung up the phone…
I nearly hung up the phone when I learned that the woman who had been so warm and friendly before was not working.
That would have been a mistake.
I sighed to myself, decided to take a chance, re-state my facts and share my story with the woman who had answered the phone.
“I’m looking for information,” I said, “about my great-grandfather and great-grandmother, Willis Washington Jones and his wife, Martha Ellen Smith and her parents, Charles and Virginia Hawley Smith.”
There Was Dead Silence…
There was dead silence for at least three heartbeats.
And then she said (and here I still get goosebumps) “Charles and Virginia Hawley Smith are my great-great grandparents, too.”
“Oh. My. Gosh.” I thought.
“Hello, cousin!” was my astonished reply. The genealogical angels had not deserted me; they had given me a wonderful gift!
My brand-new cousin’s name was Nancy Bertram Bush, she was ‘into’ genealogy, and she invited us to give her a call when we got to Glasgow.
A couple of weeks later, we were in Glasgow. I stopped at the courthouse, looked up some land records, and learned more about my great-great grandfather Smith’s land holdings.
When we arrived at the South Central Kentucky Cultural Center, I gave Nancy another call and we were in luck, she was home.
Nancy Had a Gift for Mother…
She hurried over to the Center to meet us, (and a nicer new cousin I can’t imagine meeting). She brought along a treasure, a photograph of my mother’s grandparents (complete with the names) that had been mailed back to the family from Kansas and presented it to my mom.
Mom had never seen photographs of her grandparents and when we brought the photograph home, we were able to identify Willis and his wife Martha in two other photographs that we had.
Nancy offered to take us around Barren County with her husband to try to locate the former home of Willis and Martha Ellen. We went up hill and down dale, we stopped at one family farmstead that had Smith family buried there, and we tramped through tall grass to record names and take photographs, but this was not our destination.
Our next stop proved to be the home of Charles and Virginia Hawley Smith, and we were able to visit with the family and see the land and outbuildings, some of which might have actually been standing during Charles & Virginia’s time.
The Family Cemetery Had Been Returned to Farmland…
Thanks to researching cemetery books we already knew that their family cemetery had been returned to farm land, which was disappointing.

66 - L - R: Nancy Bertram Bush, Norman and Sherry Stocking Kline, Dennis Bush pay respects to family members at the Caney Fork Baptist Church, Temple Hill, Barren County, Kentucky
Next we stopped at the Caney Fork Baptist Church and cemetery and walked through the cemetery and paid our respects to cousins, great-aunts and great-uncles.
When we watched my mother get out of the car and in her words “stand on the land her father had played on as a child” and look around and see “where he came from,” it was a meaningful moment for us all.
We were grateful we were able to help her do this.

Dorothy Barry standing by car next to the Caney Fork Baptist Church & Cemetery - Temple Hill, Barren County, Kentucky
Thank You, Cousin, Nancy…
It was with deep sadness that we received word about two years ago that our new-found cousin, Nancy Bertram Bush, had suffered a heart attack and passed away.
Thank you for a wonderful Genealogical Moment in Time, cousin Nancy.
Tombstone Tuesday – Elizabeth Laird Crabb

Elizabeth Laird Crabb - Buried at Milan, Ryan Township, Sumner Co., Kansas
The Tombstone Reads:
Wife of J.R.U. Crabb
March 11, 1831
July 30, 1912
Aged 81 yrs
4 mos. 19 DS
Death of Mrs. J. R. U. Crabb August 1, 1912 – Milan News
Miss Elizabeth Laird was born in Hart County, Kentucky, March 11, 1831, and died at her home near Milan, Kansas, July 30, 1912, aged 81 years, 4 months and 19 days.
Early in life Mrs. Crabb dedicated her life to God through faith in Jesus Christ and united with the United Baptist church in Barren County, Kentucky. She has been since that time a constant and faithful member of the church.
She was united in marriage to Mr. J. R. U. Crabb, July 11, 1857. To this union six children were born, of which two died in infancy, one boy at the age of thirteen and one daughter after she was grown. Two daughters still remain, one is married and lives in Kentucky and the other is still at home.
Mrs. Crabb has been ill for a number of years and everything that cheerful hands, loving hearts and the best of medical skill was done, but all in vain. A good woman has gone to her reward leaving behind a sorrowing husband, two daughters and a host of friends.
Funerals services were conducted in the Baptist church, Wednesday afternoon at two o’ clock, by the pastor, F. G. Wilkerson. Interment was made in the Milan cemetery.
The entire community extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved husband and relatives.
And here is part of my mystery, and my brick wall.
Elizabeth was my great-great grandmother. Or was she?
Her death certificate states that she was born in Hart County, Kentucky, and her parents are Hezakiah and Patsy Carter Lard/Laird.
Her obituary mentions the children “born to this union” and does not mention any other children.
The Mother in the census here was given the last name Crabb by the census taker, but note that her name was Patsy C., leading me to wonder if Patsy was actually Elizabeth’s mother, rather than J.R.U.’s.
For a time, even though my mother called her grandmother and we placed flowers on her grave, I could not verify her link to my family, as her son, my great-grandfather, had the last name of Jones.
My great-grandfather, Willis Washington Jones was born in 1853, and by 1860, he is shown here on the census with Elizabeth Lard Crabb and her husband, J.R.U. Crabb. My mother was always told that Elizabeth was her grandmother, but as Elizabeth died the same year my mother was born, she does not remember her. Her older siblings did remember her, however, and she was always called grandmother by them and by my mother’s mother.
It appears, and records seem to verify, that Willis was her son, either by a previous marriage, or that Willis was illegitimate. (I have Willis’ death certificate, but not here where I am today. I believe that it lists Elizabeth as his mother.) By the time Willis died, however, he was re-married to a much younger woman, and had begun a second family.
I’d like to be able to solve this puzzle someday, and in writing this, found one clue that I had previously over-looked. Amazing how a fresh look will open up another possible avenue of research!
Brick Wall Suggestions Most Welcome!!
Happy Tombstone Tuesday!
1860 Census
Page #87
Metcalfe County, KY
East Fork Post Office
Entry # 586 586
J. R. U. Crabb, 22, M, Farmer, `1000 Real Estate Value, 1500 Personal Property Value,
Elizabeth , 28, F
Daniel U, 2, M
Patsy S, 1/12 yrs olf, F
Patsy C. Crabb, 60, F
Willis Lard, 25, M
Catherine Piper, 17, F
Amanda Gooden, 12, F,
Willis Jones, 7, M
1870 Census
Saunders Precinct
Barren Co, KY
20 Aug 1870
Temple Hill Post Office
Crabb, Joseph R. U. 32, M, W. Farmer, blank, 1200 personal property, born KY
, Elizabeth 36, F, W housekeeping
, Daniel W. 12, M, W
, Martha S 10, F, W
Sallie A. 8, F, W
Bettie 4, F, W,
Patcy (?) C 70, F, W, housekeeping