Who is Sherry?

Sherry - head shot - 01-28-2015Who is Sherry Stocking Kline?
a.k.a. “Sox”, “Mom”, “Gramma Shay”?

You don’t stop to think how many hats you wear and how different people in your life see you until you try to write something like this.

So here goes…

Who am I?  I’m the Mom of Two Great Kids. Gramma Shay to Two Awesome granddaughters. I’m a grateful child of God and  I’m a Baby Boomer

I’m also the Cat-food dispenser to 2 cats, a twenty-year-old senior citizen tiger cat named Tigger, an eight- year-old black and white ‘tuxedo cat’ named Sinbad who has all delivery persons trained to stop and pet him, and doesn’t tolerate dogs on ‘his’ porch.

If I’d known ….. I would have named her Snoopy…

I’m the dog rescuer/dog mommy of Lady.  (She’s definitely misnamed, she’s not a lady.) She’s a Heinz 57 mostly German Shepherd/Beagle/Hound/maybe Husky that I rescued from a cemetery on Memorial Day Weekend.

But that’s a whole other story.

And if I’d known she was going to love sitting on Top of her dog house, I would have named her Snoopy.

I’m a proud Fourth-Generation Kansan who grew up on a farm across the road from the farm that my great-grandfather homesteaded in the 1870’s.

My grandfather and grandmother owned the farm I grew up on before my mom and dad bought it.  That gives me a feeling of history and continuity. It gives me Roots.

I grew up on a wheat and dairy farm in Kansas in the 1950’s, just a few miles north of the where the Chisholm Trail turned north east and I was fascinated by cowboys and cowgirls.

I love writing, genealogy, family, family history, and history.  Especially the Civil War era and the Wild West and Cattle Drive Years.

I also love photography and both digital and ‘regular’ scrapbooking. You can check out my Heritage Makers digital scrapbooking site here.

I am Vice President/Program Chairman of the Sumner County Historical & Genealogical Society

I’m one of six founding members of what was the Sumner County Genealogical Society and am the current Vice President in charge of programs for the combined Sumner County Historical and Genealogical Society.

We have programs nine months out of the year.  They’re free and you are invited to stop in any time you’re in the neighborhood!  Check out out past and upcoming programs here.

I’ve been writing since I was seven years old…

I’ve been writing since I was seven years old.  Maybe longer.

I was a free-Lance writer for Wichita Eagle’s advertorial magazines “Healthy Living” and “Active Life” and wrote the “Family Tree” column in “Active Life” for 10+ years.  I also co-authored “the Mayfield News” column in the Conway Springs – Argonia Argosy for 10+ years with my mother.

I’m also a member of the Kansas Professional Communicators group and the National Federation of Press Women, and I’ve been lucky enough to win both state and national awards for writing.

And now –  I’m a blogger!

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