Archive for the ‘Sherry’s Family Tree’ Category
Carnival of Genealogy – My Poem to My Ancestors
By Sherry Stocking Kline
February 1, 2010
Smith, Hawley, Laird, Breneman, Stocking & Jones, too
Also McGinnis, Ames, Crabb, Corson, and other names it’s true.
What inspired these ancestors and led them to leave home
To go far from their homeland and bravely roam?
Who are these brave people who came before?
Oh, How I love it whenever I learn a bit more.
I’m curious about what they sold or they bought,
About their lives and beliefs, even what they thought.
What brought them to America? Why and when did they come?
What ship did they sail on, where exactly are they from?
All these questions I have, about each and every one,
I love finding clues, solving puzzles is such fun!
Was my Laird ancestor a highland Scots’ ‘prince’ or a pauper’s son?
It’s the hunt and the challenge that makes genealogy such fun!
Each answer brings new questions, then those answers I seek
To answer just one question, solve one clue sometimes takes weeks.
Who was this man, my Jones grandfather so elusive?
Must I dig deeper into the life of his mother and yes – get intrusive?
Was she un-married/ widowed/ divorced when she married a ‘Crabb’
What was she like, how did she dress? Fashion plate? Or drab?
For religious freedom, in the 1630’s my Stockings sailed
To America on the Griffith, ‘twas from England they hailed.
Part of the history books they became, & helped found a new town
It was Hartford, Connecticut, with Thomas Hooker’s party they founded.
An Anabaptist, our Breneman ancestor left a dungeon deep,
Walked across castle floors and out of the castle keep,
His life spared, he came to America where freedom to worship would be
And down through the centuries, many have fought to keep America free.
In the Revolutionary War, 1812, and World Wars One and Two
Korea, Vietnam, and the Civil War, too.
My ancestors were there, along with many others who served
For keeping our land free, it’s our thanks they deserve.
Great-Grandma (Corson) McGinnis lived to be a whole century old,
My brother still remembers the story she told
About singing for then campaigning Abe Lincoln as a wee child,
When he promised her statehood for Kansas, a territory wild.
My ancestors were farmers, blacksmiths, merchants and more,
Teachers who taught, and those who owned stores
As we build for the future, on their shoulders’ we stand
And our family still has teachers, and farmers who farm the land.
There are plane builders, engineers, and more than one preacher,
There are programmers, a writer, and an NASA astronaut once a teacher
So many different folks now make up our family tree,
As we live here in America, land of the brave and the free…
I tried to intersperse some of the stories and legends that come along with my family. I can’t prove that my Great-grandmother McGinnis (she would have been a Corson then) did sing for Abraham Lincoln as a child when Lincoln was campaigning, but she did live in the Springfield, Illinois area, did have a famous photograph that became part of the family story, and that is the story that she told her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, so I believe it to be true.
My Stocking ancestor, George Stocking’s name is on the founding father’s stone in Hartford, CT, and there are many documents on-line (and off) about George and the Thomas Hooker party that founded Hartford. It’s a small world when I found out years later that my Junior High Latin teacher was a descendant of the Hart family that Hartford was named for.
My cousin has been to the castle in Switzerland and even down in the dungeon where my Breneman ancestor was kept a prisoner. She said that it gave her goosebumps…
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun – Use Your Family Tree Program to Make a Calendar
by Sherry Stocking Kline
by January 30, 2010
The following is from Randy Seaver’s Genea-Musings! It is our Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge! Don’t forget to cue up the “Mission Impossible Music”
Hi SNGF fans – it’s Saturday Night, time for some major Genealogy Fun!!!
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1) Open your genealogy software or family tree program of choice and make yourself the highlighted person.
2) Find out how to create a Calendar to show birthdays and/or anniversaries of yourself and all of your ancestors (or all relatives, or all persons – your choice!). The “Help” button is your friend here!!! It can be done in all of the current software programs.
3) Create your calendar. Pretty it up if you want. Save it. Can you show us a page from your calendar – say January 2010?
4) Which of your ancestors (or relatives, or descendants – your choice!), if any, were born on 30 January?
Have fun with this. How can you use this information during the coming year?
I have to confess it took me longer than 30 minutes, and that just for one program! I chose Legacy, though I do have Family Tree Maker 16, and also the free Roots Magic software. I’ve read great things about Legacy, and so wanted to try it out, and a cousin swears by RootsMagic, so downloaded the free software.
But I digress…
I just did one photo and one calendar page, and I’ve scanned the photo page and will post it here:
When I first began entering my family into my family tree programs, I did it in a way that I wish I hadn’t.
I created a separate file for each surname. I know that I can combine them all into one comprehensive family tree and I plan to but I’ve not done it – yet.
Five or six years ago, I bought Broderbund’s Calendar Creator and because I already have the birthdays of all family members (from all my trees!) and friends and neighbors that I would send cards to and it’s very simple to create a new one each year by just adding new photos I may stick to using it.
However, if there is a way to have Broderbund’s Calendar Creator tell me that today is Susie and Joe’s 25th anniversary, or next month it’s Kris’s 50th birthday without me manually entering it, I’m not aware of it, (which doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!) and that was a nice feature when I printed out the calendar from the Legacy software.
And from the short time that I played with it, it looks like the calendar creator in Legacy is pretty similar to the one in Broderbund, and if I had spent a little more time, my Legacy calendar would have looked much nicer!
Related post: Stocking Family Genealogy
Wordless Wednesday – Constantine “Tom” Breneman and his horse and buggy
by Sherry Stocking Kline
January 27th, 2010
My almost Wordless Wednesday!
Here is a favorite photo of mine, my great-grandfather, Constantine “Tom” Breneman and his horse and buggy. Tom was a Civil War veteran and then later farmed in Sumner County, Kansas, near Mayfield and Milan. My mother, his grandaughter remembers that he “had high stepping horses”.
Constantine “Tom” was married to Salinda E. (Rose) Breneman, but they divorced later in life. Constantine and Salinda had five children, Ira, Albert, Harvey, Otto, Carrie, and May and you can see their photographs here.
Other Breneman Posts:
Tombstone Tuesday – Salinda E. (Rose) Breneman
Tombstone Tuesday – Albert Breneman – Too Young to Die
Music Monday – “Baby It’s Cold Outside” – this post includes a saying that Carrie Breneman Jones used to tell her children about cold weather.
Tombstone Tuesday – Lute & Sabina Smith
by Sherry Stocking Kline
January 26, 2010
This tombstone is located in a Smith Family Cemetery in or near the Temple Hill area in Barren County, Kentucky. (there are several Smith Family cemeteries in Barren County.) It is a small family cemetery, but I would guess there might be as many as 20 or 30 burials there.
The cemetery was located behind a farmhouse, and the whole area was overgrown with tall grass. One clue to note is that someone (probably on Memorial Day given the plastic flowers are only slightly faded) had placed flowers on their grave. So most likely they have living children or grandchildren in the area.
Lute H.
1857 – 1936Sabina
1860 – 1940
While I suspect Lute and Sabina Smith may be family, I haven’t verified it yet, and I hope that can be part of this year’s adventures. I think Sabina is a very pretty name, one that I’d never heard before, and if it truly is unusual, that should make sorting her out of the other Smith’s easier. The name Lute doesn’t seem that common, either.
My next steps when I start working on this couple will be to check on the census for them, get a copy of their obituaries, will(s), and perhaps even give the local funeral homes a call as that has worked well in the past. Those are my first steps.
If it looks like there is a family connection, I will also contact the South Central Kentucky Cultural Center, as they have several family histories there, along with miscellaneous family information, and see if perhaps they have a family history for the family there that I can use as a springboard to use to locate the documents that would verify relationships.
We were at this cemetery 5 July 2005, looking for our own family burials, but we did not find any names in the cemetery that we knew to be our kin. We had my mother with us and were trying to locate her grandfather’s homestead.
We did not find my mother’s grandfather’s homestead, but were able to locate her great-great grandfather’s homestead about three miles on past this farmstead. Unfortunately, my ancestor’s Smith cemetery had already been returned to farm ground.
Related Posts:
The tombstone of J. Thomas and Nancy A. (Smith) Harrison is just down the road a few miles in the Caney Fork Baptist Church cemetery. They may (or may not) be related to each other.
Warner LaRue Jones Tombstone. Warner was born in Kentucky to Willis and Martha Ellen Smith Jones.
Wordless Wednesday – Dad & Dimples
Sherry Stocking Kline
January 20, 2010
This is going to be an almost wordless Wednesday. My mom was going through old photos this week, and found this gem of my dad, Harold F. Stocking, Sr. (mostly known by his childhood nickname of “Jiggs” all his life) and his favorite registered Ayrshire cow, “Dimples”. This was, I believe, before I came along, as I don’t remember her at all.
My folks were wheat and dairy farmers in south central Kansas (a.k.a. tornado alley) and they raised and milked registered Ayrshire cattle.
Mom said that Dimples was his favorite, and that he was very proud of her, but she developed some health issues and was sold.
If my dad were still alive, today, January 20th, would be his 99th birthday.
Happy Birthday, Dad!
More Stocking family memories & genealogy here…
Tombstone Tuesday – J. Thomas and Nancy A. (Smith) Harrison
by Sherry Stocking Kline
January 19, 2009
The following stone is the final resting place of my great-grandmother’s sister and her husband.
The Stone Reads:
J. Tom.
May 13, 1844
July 10, 1911Nancy A.
November 9, 1846
October 13, 1927
This Stone is located in the cemetery of the Caney Fork Baptist Church, Temple Hill, Barren County, Kentucky.
Nancy A. (Smith) Harrison was the sister of my great-grandmother, my great-aunt. And until I began doing genealogy and doing research,I didn’t even know she existed.
Somehow, that feels strange to me, that I have fairly close extended family all over the United States that I don’t even know. That the person I hand money to in the store, even here in town, might be a cousin that I don’t know exists.
My husband and I experienced a situation very much like that in 2006, and probably I should blog about that soon. It was one of those serendipitous moments that we’ve had at least three times, meeting people that we were related to, and never knew about. But I digress.
Nancy A (Smith) Harrison was the daughter of Charles and Virginia (Hawley) Smith, and the sister of my great-grandmother, Martha Ellen Smith Jones. Now I know where my great-aunt was buried, but to this day, so far, I haven’t a clue where Martha Ellen was buried.
My great-grandmother is not buried next to her husband, and I don’t believe she was alive when he lived in the area he is buried in. Nancy Harrison’s other sibling, children of Charles and Virginia Hawley Smith (the ones that I know about) are: Calvin, George W., Sarah A., Mary E., Martha Ellen, Jones (my great-grandmother), William, and I believe there was one more child, but I don’t have that child’s name.
Nancy’s brother, George, married Miss Julia Harrison, but I’ve not yet tried to learn if Julia and J. Tom are siblings. That would be a great addition to my Genealogical Goals for 2010! And a goal that should be fairly straightforward.
For more information about the Smith family, see the following posts:
The Day the Genealogy Serendipity Angels Smiled…
And if you are reading this, and you’re my kin, please leave a note so we can say “hello, nice to meet you!”
Music Monday – “Baby It’s Cold Outside!”
Sherry Stocking Kline
January 4, 2010
I had so much fun doing Christmas music video’s that when I found this duet Baby, It’s Cold Outside (Dean Martin with Martina McBride)on former Kansas girl, Martina McBride’s “White Christmas” album I just couldn’t resist posting it here.
Besides, here in Kansas, with barely double digit temps, and single digit wind chills, it’s pretty appropriate today, ‘cuz Baby it’s sure cold outside here!
When we were having cold weather (like this week) my dad, Harold ‘Jiggs’ Stocking, Sr., would always come in from feeding the cattle or working outside (we had a wheat and dairy farm then) and laughingly tell my mom”Baby it’s Cold Outside!” After listening to the song a few times, I know why he was laughing when he said it!
The song also reminds me to share a saying that my Mom’s mom, Carrie Breneman Jones always told her:
“When the days begin to lengthen, the cold begins to strengthen”.
I’ve been paying attention ever since she shared that with me, and it’s often very true! We were working outside in medium weight jackets here right before Christmas.
In just a couple of days, we’re going into minus wind chill temps here. Brrrrr!
With a couple of inches of snow and minus wind chills, I won’t be doing any ‘cemetery stomping’ this week, for sure!
Fifty-four days till the first of March! (but who’s counting!) Can’t wait!
Tombstone Tuesday – Nathaniel & Mary Wood
Nathaniel and Mary McMulin Wood are buried in the Milan Cemetery, Ryan Township, Sumner County, Kansas. This cemetery is located one mile west of Milan, Kansas (and about 15 miles west of Wellington) on Highway 160.
Nathaniel and his wife Mary were homesteaders in Sumner County, owning a quarter section of ground just about two miles west of Milan on what is now known to locals as “old 160 highway”. My apologies to anyone who is researching, I don’t know the new 9-1-1 name for this country road without driving out to look.
Nathaniel and Mary were my husband’s great grandparents on his father’s side, and though I do have a little more information on them, I don’t have much and I don’t have it with me right now.
My mother-in-law, C. Maxine Deffenbaugh Kline, always told me that Nathaniel’s nickname was “Than” and I thought that was interesting, as most would be nicknamed Nat or Nate.
Someday soon I need to do more research on that line!
P.S. If Nathaniel and Mary are in your family tree, please leave a note so we can ‘connect the dots.’ Thanks and ‘happy hunting!’
Advent Calendar Challenge – Other Traditions…
Sherry Stocking Kline
December 11, 2009
Thanks once again to Thomas MacEntee of GeneaBloggers for today’s Advent Calendar Challenge!
December 11 – Other Traditions
Did your family or friends also celebrate other traditions during the holidays such as Hanukkah or Kwanzaa? Did your immigrant ancestors have holiday traditions form their native country which they retained or perhaps abandoned?
My Stocking ancestors came from England in the 1630’s, and while they inter-married with those of Scottish and/or Irish descent as well as Native American, whatever traditions any of them might have brought with them have been long lost, or interwoven with more recent American ones.
On my mother’s side, I’m still trying to knock down the brick wall that a man named Jones who marries a woman named Smith creates. I’ve read in a book that speaks about our Smith family history that we have Welsh and French on that side.
For my family, it was all about Christmas Eve…
For my family, wherever the tradition came from or whether it began with my parents, Christmas was all about Christmas Eve. We gathered together, Dad, Mom, my youngest brother (still older than myself), my oldest brother and his growing family, and we exchanged presents. And we all knew that the presents that night came from our parents and grand-parents, not from Santa.
But the Christmas Stocking was what held the magic! It came from Santa himself!
Here is an excerpt from that sounds like my experience, too!
“And we aren’t talking about the rather large, decorative stockings of today. These were literally their stockings [socks] that they wore on a daily basis.”
We didn’t have a fireplace, nor even a wood stove, so we pinned the stockings to the couch, usually the side nearest to the door, as that was where the jolly old elf was believed to come into our home!
The stockings that we hung had to be our own!
The stockings that we hung had to be our own! So the presents that we got when we were little were, well, little!
I remember getting tiny little animals that I loved to play with, and most often they were tiny little horses with cowboys and Indians to ride them and sometimes there was candy in the toe, and a barrette for my long honey-blonde braids.
And the good thing was, that as I grew, the socks grew, and the presents became bigger!
How exciting it was to ‘graduate’ from not-so-stretchy little Buster Brown cotton socks to extra stretchy (and longer) bobby socks! Much more room for goodies!
My children used to ‘cheat’…
I continued the hanging of the Stocking’s with my children, though they were allowed to ‘cheat’ and particularly the youngest more often than not scoured the house giggling and laughing, comparing one sock to another while she hunted for the largest stretchiest stocking available, most often her Dad’s calf high athletic sock.
A good thing, that, as they sometimes found their favorite music CD all tucked in with other goodies from Santa.
Advent Calendar Challenge – Gifts
by Sherry Stocking Kline
December 10, 2009
Thanks to Thomas MacEntee for today’s Christmas Advent Calendar Challenge!
What were your favorite gifts, both to receive and to give? Are there specific gift-giving traditions among your family or ancestors?
Today’s prompt is a tie-in with the Smile for the Camera carnival at Shades of the Departed.
What were my favorite gifts? To receive or to give? Hmmm…
There are several empty places in my family’s circle now, so my Christmas memories are tinged with sorrow as well as joy because I miss those people very much, but there were several gifts that were fun to give, and I remember some I received that gave my little heart joy!
Stick Horses and Cowboy Outfits!
After my nephews came along, most Christmases my folks bought us all something quite similar, and one Christmas when we were all little stair steps, me about seven, and them five and two, we were given the stick horses with the plastic heads and the cowboy and cowgirl outfits to go along with it!
Because we watched Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, HopAlong Cassidy, The Lone Ranger and Tonto, and the Cisco Kid on tv every week we were well-versed in the bang-bang-shoot-em-up outdoor play that included galloping all over our pasture on stick horses to shoot the bad guys. Of course, we were the white-hatted heroes! My youngest nephew, not quite old enough to keep up, insisted on riding his ‘horse’ head down, so his mighty steed’s head got drug all over the pasture!
The most difficult Christmas present I ever bought…
The most difficult Christmas present I ever had to buy was the first one I bought for my mom by myself after my dad passed away. I just couldn’t figure out what to buy. But I found a grandmother’s charm bracelet, with little boy and girl heads, with the names and birth dates engraved on the little heads. By that time, Mom had five grandchildren and one on the way, but I remember standing in the store, feeling very lost and very alone, trying to decide between the choices.
One of the most fun presents we ever bought…
One of the most fun presents that we ever bought was for my father-in-law when our children were small. My father-in-law always hoped that someone would give his boys a train set. (I think so he could enjoy it, too!)
So my husband and I picked him out a neat little train set, and as the television commercial says the look on his face was “priceless.” He set it up in his basement for awhile, and shared it with his grandchildren, and then a few years down the road, when he started spending more time in Texas in the winter, gave it to our children to enjoy.
A Personalized Family Photo Calendar Keeps us All Up to Date!
For the past few years, I’ve e-mailed family members to request family photographs, (whatever they want to send) though the ones where they are fishing, playing softball, and just doing fun things make great collages for the calendar that I make and give to my mom.
I try to focus on a different family group each month, and when possible, feature someone that is having a birthday that month, though in some months, there are several birthdays.
Here is this year’s calendar front, the photograph on the left was taken in 2000, before we lost my brother Gary and my sister-in-law Nancy to cancer in 2001. It shows my mom, with my two brothers standing on the left with their spouses and me on the lower right with my husband. My dad ‘s photo is inset on the right.

Harold and Dorothy Stocking Family - Standing: Gary "Sox" Stocking, Harold Frederick "Fred" Stocking, Jr., Norman L. Kline. Seated: Sharon Stocking, Dorothy Stocking Barry, Sherry Stocking Kline. Harold Frederick "Jiggs" Stocking, Sr. in oval on the right.
I usually make copies for the rest of the family, complete with all the birthdays and anniversaries. They all love it! It’s a great way to help us all keep up with important dates!
There are several places that offer this service…
I bought Broderbund’s calendar creator several years ago, but you can also make calendars several places on the internet, such as at my Heritage Makers’ website, and I believe that Kodak and other places also offer this service.
One good thing about making it with Calendar Creator, and at the Heritage Maker’s website, is that once you get the template set up, complete with birthdays and anniversaries, you just copy and save with a new name for next year, and re-place this year’s photographs with next year’s new ones!