Posts Tagged ‘Awards’

Happy 101 Award – Ten Things that Make Me Happy!

by Sherry Stocking Kline
January 12, 2010

It’s award Season again, and I’m grateful to each of you who awarded me the Happy 101 Award!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  It is an honor to be on your Award list!


My Thanks go to:

1. Missy Corley of Bayside Blog
2. Thomas MacEntee of Destination Austin Family blog
3. Joan of Roots N’ Leaves
4. Jenna of Desperately Seeking Surnames
5. Luckie of Our Georgia Roots

One of the duties when you accept this award is to list TEN things that make you happy.

Only Ten?  What happens if you cheat?

1. My family: my husband,  my children, my mom & dad, my brothers and their wives. Some of them are gone now, but I have the memories.

2. My two granddaughters.  They always brighten my day!

3. Searching for ancestor clues!  What could be more fun?  Unless of course it’s finding ancestor clues…

4. Finding a missing puzzle piece in the family tree. One that fills in an important blank spot! This is major happy dance thing for days, but then it’s on to finding the next blank spot.

5. Going through photographs & remembering…

6. The sweet, fresh, clean smell of rain.

7. Out-bowling my son on his Wii (or out-racing him in Mario Kart on his Wii!)  Don’t tell him I said this!

8. Reading a good ‘who-dun-it’, one that you can’t guess ‘who dun it’. (but I’m not into gory books, either!)

9. Figuring out how to do something I didn’t know how to do yesterday.  This is usually associated with computers and the Internet, but it can be just anything!

10. Knowing that I’ve helped someone.

Another wonderful, difficult duty is to pass on the award to TEN other bloggers…

Here are my choices, and this is the hardest part, keeping it down to Ten.  (I wondered, I actually did, that if one received the award more than once, if you could list more than Ten Happy Items, and more than Ten Wonderful Blogs!?)

But I’m trying not to cheat, so here it goes:

1.   Thomas MacEntee of Destination Austin Family blog and Geneabloggers. Thomas, I know that you will probably receive a dozen of these Happy 101 Awards, but you have been so very encouraging and very helpful to this newbie blogger that I just want to say “Thanks once again!”

2. Missy Corley of Bayside Blog.  Missy, you are a great, encouraging Twitter friend (@baysideresearch) as well as a great blog-buddy friend!  Bless you!

3. Joan of Roots N’ Leaves.   Joan, you have been a great source of encouragement, and your posts touch my heart.

4.   Luckie of Our Georgia Roots.  Luckie, your writing touches a kindred chord in my heart, and when you wrote about the ancestors ‘talking’ to you, well, I know what you are talking about.  It’s like they beckon me to look, and guide me to find.  I’ve had the most serendipitous finds, though I’m still Hunting…

4. Jenna of Desperately Seeking Surnames.  I enjoy reading your blog, and am honored to be one of your nominees!

5. Elyse’s Genealogy Blog I was just reading on Elyse’s Genealogy Blog some tips for getting your genealogy ‘stuff’ organized.  I NEED that!

6. Louise Bernero of Our Twigs Blog Thanks, Louise, for your encouragement!
7.  Mavis of Georgia Black Crackers – Thanks Mavis, for all your encouragement and for being a great Twitter friend!

8. Great Twitter friend and soon to be blogger!
9.  Low Country Africana – What an awesome resource for African American Research and History!

10. Cathy at and  She keeps my blog happy!

I just want to say, too, that my Happy Things, and My Ten Awards are not in any particular order, except to say that my first two Happy Things, my family, are tops, and after that, there isn’t a particular order!
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