Wordless Wednesday – Stocking & Jones Family
Sherry Stocking Kline
October 20, 2010

Dorothy Jones Stocking, May Breneman Jones Willey,Carrie Breneman Jones, Warner Jones, Harold Jiggs Stocking, in front of the Stocking Home
I love this old photograph of my parents, my mom Dorothy Stocking on the left, & dad Harold Stocking on the right, with my mom’s Aunt May (Breneman) Jones Willey, and Mom’s parents, Carrie (Breneman) and Warner Jones sandwiched between them.
After attending the KCGS Conference with Maureen Taylor, I find myself looking for clues in my photographs.
First, the photograph had to be taken before November 1st, 1947, because Grandpa Jones passed away on that date. (I could look up the car makes, models and years, too!)
Second, either they had been somewhere, or were getting ready to go, because Dad is wearing his ‘good’ overalls. In other words, he and Grandpa had on new and clean overalls. (As opposed to faded by the sun, ‘everyday’ overalls that Dad worked the fields and fed and milked the cows in!)
It wouldn’t have been church or a funeral, because the men would have worn suits for that, so maybe they went to town shopping for the day, to visit someone in the hospital, or to visit family or friends in another town.
And it’s in the colder months, as the women all have on heavy wool coats, and scarves to keep their ears warm, and maybe just to ‘tie their hair down’ to keep it from blowing in the Kansas wind.
And now I need to ask my mom, to see if she remembers the occasion that prompted the photograph sixty-plus years ago!
[…] Warner and Carrie Jones Photograph […]
while searching images on the web for interesting everyday black and white photos of people for colorizing projects which I do as a hobby, I came across your posted photo. Not kowing exact colors they were wearing or of the vehicles I choose colors common to the period as best as I can. as we all know our ansestors did not live in a black and white world, and unless the photos was for artistic purposes and intentionally used the black and white medium, the people back then I think would have loved to had colored photographs.
I could not figure out how to attach a hoto on your site so if you would like to see this colorization of your family e-mail me.
e-mail me at: eddonnell@hotmail.com and I will send you the photo. no charge, I do not re-post any of my projects as they are not mine to do so with, out of repsect for the owner of the photgraph. I am thinking of starting a site for people to join and locate there pictures, but life os busy.
I would be interested in seeing what your colorized photo looks like!
Hey, I am thinking we are related….I am related to Brennemans (different spelling noted) and Hawleys. You look exactly like my aunt Virginia Aileen Hawley. My grandmother was Martha Ellen Hawley. The first Brenneman/Breneman that I have is a Melchoir the Exile of Switzerland. I am related through the Daniel Brenneman line…So many names on your blog, are the same names on my tree. And maybe even in old photos in my closet….Great read either way! I’d love to show you a pic of my aunt so you can see how much you really do look alike. Let me know if you’d like to see it!
With Love from Arizona,
Heather Monroe.
I am always tickled to death to have comments and even more excited to connect with cousins! I love collecting relatives! My husband always said that I ‘collect dead relatives.’ I guess he’s right!
Let’s compare notes! I can look up my Brenemans in a Breneman book, and yes, the Melchior name rings a bell. I’ve sent you my ‘line’ as far back as I can w/o doing some digging, and after we ‘dig’ we can compare more.
I can only mention Virginia Hawley Smith with certainty right now. My gr-gr-grandmother, who lived in Kentucky and (I think) in VA before that. I wish I could recall her parent’s names, but I cannot. I do have more info on the Hawley line, but can’t think where I’ve put it right now. I bet we are connected twice. Wouldn’t that be a Hoot!
The Breneman line is on one side of my mom’s family, and the Hawley line on the other. I’d be happy to see a pic of your aunt, if you have a digital one that you wish to send! You have my curiosity up, now!
Take Care, Cousin!
[…] Wordless Wednesday: Stocking & Jones Family http://www.familytreewriter.com/2010/10/wordless-wednesday-stocking-jones-family/ […]
Funny, when I told Lynn, my mother about your website (before I found this) she said she remembered Dorothy and Jiggs and two sons coming to visit with the Kenneth Jones family in Duluth. She like them very much, because she remembered “Jiggs” as being a really big guy, and she liked farming. She thought Jiggs had suffered a heart attack but then went back out to continue with the wheat harvest which was amazing? Family legend or fact? Who knows, but that’s how she remembers it from her childhood.
Hi Claire!
Check my response to your mom on one Wordless Wednesday – Kenneth Jones’ link. I don’t know about the legend, but will ask Mom. It does sound like fact. He pushed pretty hard when he could go at all. He died on April 19, 1961, at the age of 50.
My great grandmother was Flora Dell Hawley Fowler. Her sisters name was Martha Ellen Hawley Jones. She was called Mattie. She was in South Dakota and died in Fairmont, Minnesota. Is this the same Martha Ellen Hawley? I am so curious about her. The photo looks like Martha Ellen.
My great-grandmother’s name was Martha Ellen Smith, and her mother was a Hawley. Are we related? I can’t say for certain, but if your Hawley line goes back to Barren County, KY, or to Sullivan Co, TN, then the chances are good that we are. I am spending quite a bit of time with my mom at her home right now and I am pretty sure that my Hawley ‘stuff’ is at my house. I am just now getting geared up to put my family info into Roots Magic. I did have a lot in Family Tree Maker, but one of their updates really annoyed me, so I quit using it.
Martha Ellen Smith’s mother was Virginia Hawley, and her parents were James and Lucy Williams Hawley, and James’ father was Francis Marion Hawley. I hope this helps!! Let me know if we are cousins, if you don’t mind!
I’m sorry to be so slow, I just now found this comment hadn’t been approved! I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!